YWCA Tulsa Uses Donations To Offer Free Swim Lessons For Kids

YWCA Tulsa Uses Donations To Offer Free Swim Lessons For Kids

Pools are open and YWCA Tulsa needs your help to ensure every child can enjoy the water. It offers free swimming lessons in east and north Tulsa.

On a hot summer day many people turn to pools and lakes for fun and relaxation. Access to pools has historically been restricted through segregation laws.

It prevented people of color from gaining access to pools and swimming was not passed down from generation to generation.

YWCA Tulsa created the programs Los Pececitos and All Swim to ensure every child can enjoy the water.

The instructors teach water safety and engage with parents who have fears about swimming. The programs remove financial and language barriers to swim lessons.

Los Pececitos serves the Hispanic/Latin community. All Swim at Lacy Park pool serves the Black/African American community.

Donations support these swim programs. To make a donation, you can visit this website.

News On 6's Alyssa Miller was diving in to learn more about why this program is so important.