Muskogee Woman Is 1 Of 100 Writers Contributing To Film Being Made In Tennessee

Muskogee Woman Is 1 Of 100 Writers Contributing To Film Being Made In Tennessee

A film being made in Nashville, Tennessee, is getting help from writers all over the country, including one from Muskogee.

The lunch rush is kicking off at Harmony House in Muskogee

"I've worked here now probably for about seven months," said Kallie Jones.

It's a great job for Kallie Jones. She said she loves meeting new people.

"I talk a lot, so I talk to all of the people I get all of their stories," Jones said.

Those stories Kallie hears from customers at this bakery serve as inspiration for her passion for storytelling. And it's her journey as a writer that has recently landed her on a big project.

"This is a movie script that over 100 people have put together," says Jones.

Each page in this story was written by a different person.

"I was page 77"

The 100 writers were only able to go off what was written in the previous pages.

"Some days you love it, some days you're like wow this doesn't make any sense how it this going to go, but you have to learn to trust it," Jones said.

Kalli and 99 other writers from all over the U.S. applied to work on the project for free, just to get a chance to work on something that's never been done before.

"There hasn't ever been a project that's had this many writers," says Director and Producer Christian Delgrosso.

He says there was a lot that could have gone wrong.

"The story has this weird cohesion issue because you have 100 different writers and all these people have different tastes," Delgrosso said.

Christian's team and the writers didn't find out if this would even work until they all met in Nashville this February for a table reading.

"For example people that were like page 10 or page 20 they only knew like the conception of the idea and they didn't know what happened afterward, so every single page after their page getting to see their reactions was priceless," Delgrosso said.

Whether or not the script makes for a good movie is yet to be seen, but for Kallie, the magic is in its unique creation.

"I think the environment of how it was created is what makes it so special,” says Jones.