Robot dogs took over Tulsa Tech Friday as criminal justice students got a chance to see how the bots could help them in their future careers.
The robots can be used in a number of ways by police officers and students learned about that and got to see all the robots are capable of doing.
Whether it’s running, jumping, or dancing, the robot dog knows how to show off, but it's not just here for show.
“On this screen, you see what the robot is seeing; this is the robot mapping out the room.”
Robert Stokes with Stokes Robotics said this is one of their newer models.
The dogs are used in law enforcement, search and rescue, and to do manufacturing jobs that are hard to fill.
"The main job is for them to go into places to protect people and fill jobs we don't have enough people to do," Stokes said.
In an active shooter situation, the dogs could go in and use sensors and cameras to show officers in real time who is inside, and officers can talk through the robot to suspects or victims.
“Trying to accomplish the same mission to save lives," said Matt Lay, the Tulsa Firefighters Union President. "Anytime we have another tool to put itself in harm's way instead of officers and firefighters is a good.”
High school students taking criminal justice classes through Tulsa Tech got a first-hand look at the robot’s speed and uses, even getting on all fours to race the robots, which go 10 miles an hour or faster.
“We’re blessed to see these robots to dance and do whatever they do," said junior Tayshawn Thompon.
The program gives students a preview into all things law enforcement, from dispatch, to military, police and more.
“It teaches you life skills," said junior Hermione Villanueva. "Let's say you want to be a police officer. By the time you get to the academy, you're a step ahead of everybody."
And knowing what these robots can do is one more tool they can add to their arsenal.
Tulsa tech said it hopes to continue bringing in demonstrations like this to show students all that is out there when it comes to law enforcement.