Oklahoma Students Compete In State Archery Tournament For A Chance At Nationals

Oklahoma Students Compete In State Archery Tournament For A Chance At Nationals

More than 1,500 kids from schools across the state competed in an archery tournament at the Tulsa Expo Center.

The Grand State Shoot includes 4th through 12th graders all vying for a spot at a national shoot in Kentucky.

It's the same process every time: walk to the line, grab your bow and arrow, and shoot.

For Emily Godley, the feelings are usually the same as well.

"I have to take a deep breath when I come up to the line," she said.

But this tournament means a little more to her and her coach, Mike Wilson.

It's her last time going through the same steps that she's practiced for years.

"I could’ve done a lot better,” said Emily. “I think it being my last time got to me quite a lot, but I did okay."

She may not have scored the perfect 300, but Coach Wilson is proud of her and hopes the lessons he's taught her--more than just consistency in the sport-- will stay with Emily.

"Coaching is not about just doing the sport or just being good at the competition,” said Chach Wilson. “It's about impacting the kids, and it's a lot more important to me that they are learning character skills. It's those kinds of things that are more important to me than just being able to shoot a bow or run."

Emily might leave the sport behind as she heads off to college, but her coach’s impact will stick with her.

"He has been the biggest help to me; I have known him for twelve years now, and no matter what you shoot, he is always so supportive,” she said. “I have learned about taking your time. Having patience and really practicing does help, and it will make you better."

It's the same process. She’ll just apply it in other ways.

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