Door-To-Door Salesman Saves Broken Arrow Woman’s Life

Door-To-Door Salesman Saves Broken Arrow Woman’s Life

A Broken Arrow woman is thankful for a door-to-door salesman who she says saved her life after she passed out on her front porch.

She says the man called 911, called her husband, and even looked after her little kids until the ambulance arrived.

Jared Adler, who is a Sales Representative for Vivint, says he was just in the right place at the right time and he did what anyone else would have done.

Adler is a college student from Orlando, Florida, and travels the country selling home security systems for Vivint.

He was giving a presentation to Maritza Bautista, who was interested in buying a system.

But before they could finish exchanging information, she passed out from the heat just outside her front door.

"It took a couple of seconds to kind of realize what was going on, I went ahead and just kind of did what I thought was right, and got the ambulance here as quick as possible,” said Adler.

Adler started performing CPR on Bautista and cared for her until the ambulance arrived.

But that’s not all he did.

"She had three young kids inside and nobody able to take care of them,” said Adler. “So I just walked inside, told them everything was going to be okay, and I called their dad."

Bautista could not be more thankful for Adler, who spent time helping out a complete stranger.

"The fact that he took this big role upon himself to not only help me, but come inside and check on my kids, that really meant the world to me,” said Bautista.

Adler wants people to realize that people selling door to door are just doing their jobs, and he says, their goal is just to help people.

"I have no doubt in my mind that anybody on my team would have done the same exact thing if they were given the same circumstance,” said Adler. “At the end of the day, it's just about being a human, a lot of people get wrapped up in that we're not human. We are human, we're just here to do a job."

"Trust these guys a little bit,” said Bautista. “They're out here working really, really hard, and you never know, they could be saving your life. You may have an emergency that you may not even know about."