A bobcat in a Tulsa neighborhood is causing a lot of chatter among neighbors.
Bobcats have always been in the area, but people still need to be cautious.
Neighbors in south Tulsa said seeing bobcats so close to their homes was surprising and a good reminder to keep a close eye on their kids and pets.
Jennifer Carroll said she was on the phone with her mom Wednesday when she saw a big, brown "something" walking through her flower beds.
“And I said, you will not believe it, I have seen the biggest rabbit I’ve ever seen. And I started yelling, 'That is not a rabbit, that's a bobcat,'" Jennifer exclaimed.
The bobcat had come right up to the window of her home near 91st and Yale.
She called her family and they got a photo of it across the street.
“That's where where my kids play all the time, we have a swing out, and a bobcat was standing right where we spend a lot of time,” Jennifer said.
Jennifer’s neighbor, Cindy Morrison, said she’s worried about the small pets and kids that live all over the area.
“I lived here 26 years and I’ve never seen a bobcat," Cindy said. "That's crazy to me. I hopped on Ring, I hopped on Nextdoor app, and just started looking through how many sightings there have been.”
The wildlife department said it’s easier to see bobcats in the winter because they move around more when it’s cold.
They said bobcats usually don’t harm people but small pets are fair game.
"If we had a little dog, I would be out there every single time," Jennifer said.
Jennifer and Cindy said it was a surprise to see – and they’re being a little more observant now.
The wildlife department said seeing a bobcat, even in a busy neighborhood, isn’t uncommon and people should keep their small pets inside.