A Nowata Police Officer is in the hospital and recovering after being hit while directing traffic at an intersection on Highway 169.
Police said he has several injuries and will be in the hospital for days.
The Nowata Police Chief said his officer, Kyle Walton, was standing right at the stoplight directing traffic when a vehicle heading south hit him.
The road to recovery will be extensive for Officer Walton who will spend several days in a hospital bed.
"I called his wife, and we were able to Facetime and he's just very groggy,” said Chief Mike Mcelhaney, Nowata PD.
Officer Walton has worked for the Nowata Police Department for two years.
"We're only a seven-person department so taking one officer out is huge,” said the Police Chief.
Chief Mcelhaney said a Jeep hit officer Walton below his waist and had he been shorter, the injuries could've been far worse.
As it is, Officer Walton has a concussion, a broken knee, and several other broken bones.
"He was knocked several feet by the impact. Items on his vest, like I'm wearing, dislodged and were found scattered on the highway,” said Chief Mcelhaney.
Officer Walton was directing traffic because a truck had stalled, and it was pulling a 40-foot trailer and was partially blocking the road.
Officer Walton had turned on the flashing lights of his patrol car and one lane was open when he was hit.
"My officer that called me, I could hear it in his voice. He was very upset. He heard it, turned around and saw him lying on the ground,” said Chief Mcelhaney. "They said that life flight couldn't fly because of weather conditions."
The OHP report said the cause was inattentive driving.
Mcelhaney said all drivers need to pay attention, slow down, and move over anytime they see emergency lights.
"I mean, somebody steps out in front of you, it's too late,” said Chief Mcelhaney.