Some Foyil Residents Without Water For More Than 1 Week

Some Foyil Residents Without Water For More Than 1 Week

Some Foyil residents said they have been dealing with water problems for more than a week, forcing them to have little water or even none at all for several days in a row.

Rural Water District Three District Manager Rick Stull said they have had one problem after another with their water lines recently and that is making residents have water supply problems.

Rogers County farmer Sherri Scarpa is one of hundreds of people who have been dealing with water problems over the past eight days.

“There is nothing coming out, we will turn on the faucet and there is nothing there,” Scarpa said. “It’s as if someone shut the meter off at the house.”

The Scarpa’s raise livestock and live off their garden. Sherri said without water, they are watching their livelihood wilt away.

"I know I personally have had a couple of hens pass away from the heat and animals being non-responsive because I don’t have a way to cool them down adequately,” Scarpa said. “It’s been hard, last night we had water pressure, it’s the first time we were able to water our garden in three days.”

Scarpa is one of about 9,000 people who live within Rogers County Rural Water District 3.

District leaders said more than 1,000 people have been impacted by the recent water outages.

“The heat wave started it, but over the past week I’ve been hit with pipeline breaks,” District Manager Rick Stull said.

Stull said the pipeline breaks cut off water that goes to the four towers in the Foyil community. It's been a slow process getting the repair done, so the towers are able to fill back up.

"We are in a dire need of our pipes repaired, our plant working well, and pumps pumping, I’m doing all I can to increase that,” Stull said.

On Monday, Scarpa was able to run water in her sink at a normal pressure for the first time in days. However, she said she is filling containers in case the water shuts off again.

Stull said he thinks they have most of the water line problems under control and are trying to have water back on for everyone by Monday night.