'People's Convoy' Protesting COVID-19 Mandates Passes Through Oklahoma

'People's Convoy' Protesting COVID-19 Mandates Passes Through Oklahoma

Update: 'People's Convoy' Departs Oklahoma Taking Vaccine Mandate Protest To D.C.

Hundreds of truckers are making their way through Oklahoma on their journey across the country to try and put the brakes on COVID-19 mandates here in the US.

Truckers are taking an overnight stop in Vinita on The People's Convoy.

People from all walks of life rolled into town, miles upon miles of trucks, bumper to bumper, now taking up many parking lots in Vinita.

When they arrived, the crowd erupted.

Supporters were seen pulling over on the side of the highway, lining the streets, gathering shoulder to shoulder on bridges and overpasses waving American flags as The People's Convoy traveled through Green Country.

“We’re supporting the truckers,” said Ciairra Hattaway.

“We don’t realize how much they do for our country,” said Karsyn.

“You do what you love, you never work a day in your life. Trucking’s my life,” said Brandon Six, an Oklahoma truck driver.

Truckers were heard honking and crowds were seen holding signs saying, 'let freedom roll' and ‘keep truckin’ on.’

“Truckers have a huge impact. We move the world. Truckers (are) what moves the world, baby. Everything you have on and everything you’re using is all come by a trucker. Everything. If it wasn’t for truckers, nothing would go down,” said Six.

“This is why. This is why. Because we’re fighting for everyone,” said Kim West.

Kim West and her husband drove 33 hours to California from Idaho for the launch.

“He’s actually on the security team so we stay behind till they’re all gone and then we fly past everybody and then we get here before they do,” said West.

The miles-long line of trucks is traveling across the country with the message they’re tired of restrictions brought on by the pandemic.

“This is the heart of America right here. This is the heart,” said West.

Truckers and supporters are calling for government accountability through transparent congressional hearings, an end to the national emergency declaration, and the ‘restoration of the US constitution.’

“This constitution is getting stomped on,” said West. “They work for us, and they forgot. They work for us.”

Supporters are specifically protesting a mandate from the US Department of Homeland Security requiring truck drivers to be fully vaccinated if they need to cross land borders, like from Canada and Mexico.

50,000 Canadian truck drivers led the way, forming a similar convoy a few weeks ago.

The People's Convoy is staying in Vinita tonight on their way to Washington DC.

“America’s waking up,” said West. “God bless America.”

Organizers said they plan to leave for Missouri tomorrow morning and aim to arrive in DC on Saturday.

Related Story: Protesters With Truck Convoy To Pass Through Oklahoma Sunday