Community Service Council Seeking Help Compiling List Of Resources Available To Afghan Refugees

Community Service Council Seeking Help Compiling List Of Resources Available To Afghan Refugees

The Community Service Council says it needs the public’s help in compiling a list of resources to make the transition easier for the Afghan families arriving in eastern Oklahoma this month. 

Currently, the CSC says if you have a business or organization that can offer resources to Afghan families, then please call 211 and let them know.

According to Catholic Charities of Eastern Oklahoma, it has almost 200 refugees that have arrived out of the expected 850 total. Itsaid about 60 people are arriving per week. 

The Community Service Council said it wants to help these families with their move by compiling a list of all resources across the area that are available to them such as medical, food, housing, clothing, social security, and more. CSC Program Manager Shawna Detmer said the problem is that there aren’t many organizations already in the process of making their resources available and their list only has a few options. 

“Interestingly enough, the resources we found are medical or vaccination-related, but we are looking for more resources in terms of housing, identification, food, shelter, anything else, and we are experiencing difficulty finding those resources available,” Detmer said. 

If your organization is offering help in some way, you can call 211 to be put on the official resource list that will go to the refugees as they arrive.