Nonprofit In Colorado Donates New Protective Vests To Tulsa Fire Department

Nonprofit In Colorado Donates New Protective Vests To Tulsa Fire Department

Tulsa firefighters are excited about an upgrade in equipment donated by a nonprofit from Colorado.

A nonprofit called Shield 616 donated enough brand ballistic armor to outfit 13 Tulsa firefighters. The group specializes in creating first responder protective equipment.

The armor comes with a special, lightweight, bullet proof vest that will protect firefighters during dangerous situations like rescue missions and active shooter calls.

The Hardesty Foundation and Katalytic Foundation teamed up to donate $35,000 to pay for the ballistic armor.

Tulsa Fire Department Emergency Medical Services Director Justin Lemery said it feels great getting the support they need. 

"It means a lot," Lemery said. "We're incredibly thankful that there's people out there that care for us and want to help us want to do a good job. Definitely something we don't take for granted and are very appreciative of." 

Shield 616 said the gear will be replaced every five years, and at some point, they hope to equip all Tulsa firefighters with the new ballistic armor.