Animal Aid Of Tulsa Faces Setback After Thieves Steal AC Unit

Animal Aid Of Tulsa Faces Setback After Thieves Steal AC Unit

A group that saves cats and dogs is dealing with a setback after somebody stole one of their air conditioning units.

Work is underway at Animal Aid of Tulsa's new Thrift Store, but President Michelle Morris said the recent theft is making things harder.

"You're trying to make progress on this construction project and all the pieces are coming together and getting into place and one of your pieces gets pulled," Morris said.

She said thieves stole an AC unit attached to a storage container that will be used for sorting donated items at the store.

"We left on Monday night and the unit was still there and we came in Tuesday to find it gone," Morris said.

She said it will cost about $3,000 to replace the unit, money that could otherwise go to help animals.

"Every dime that we spend to move forward is really important. A loss like this prevents us from taking in another animal," Morris said.

After posting about the stolen AC unit on Facebook, Animal Aid of Tulsa said all sorts of people have been reaching out to help. A Broken Arrow company is already offering to replace the unit, for free.

"We're looking to do a charitable donation and get them up and running as soon as possible," said Bryan Palmer with Elite Service Company.

He said when they heard about what happened, they wanted to help.

"Well we're kind of animal activists. We all are lovers of animals and we've all got our own pets," Palmer said. "We've all adopted animals over the years and anyway we can contribute to a cause like theirs, that's what we're here for."

Animal Aid of Tulsa said someone else also offered to weld a cage around the new unit so it won't get stolen again.