Rock Volunteer Fire Dept. Hosts Fundraiser To Raise Money For New Supplies

Rock Volunteer Fire Dept. Hosts Fundraiser To Raise Money For New Supplies

The Rock Volunteer Fire Department in Osage County is hosting a fundraiser to raise money to help them continue to serve their community.

Fire Chief, Charley Pearson says the donations help their community because it gives the volunteer fire department the ability to purchase the resources to do their job effectively.

There’s live music going on, a craft show, and even food at the fundraiser. The volunteer fire department is also trying to raise money for a new training center.

The annual fundraiser was canceled last year because of COVID-19, so volunteers say they are trying to play catch up.

The Rock Volunteer Fire Department has been around since 1977 and Chief Pearsons says they don’t plan to go away anytime soon.