Couple ‘Grateful’ After Tulsa Weather Coalition Gifts & Installs New Air Conditioner

Couple ‘Grateful’ After Tulsa Weather Coalition Gifts & Installs New Air Conditioner

A Tulsa couple is living in a cool home after a month with no air conditioner thanks to a local organization.

The Tulsa Weather Coalition gifted and installed a new air conditioning unit in their home Wednesday and the special moment was caught on camera. 

James Ogle has been taking care of his wife who has several medical conditions.

"She has got asthma, she has got COPD, and this heat she can't take," said James. "I love her so much. We have been married over 20 years."

At the end of the install, crews were able to tell James that he didn't have return the air conditioning unit - it was his to keep.

"I am so happy. Thank you so much man. Thank you," said James. "Oh boy, got to hold back the tears."

"The Tulsa Weather Coalition installs air conditioners in homes where people don't have any air conditioning," said Melinda Belcher with the Tulsa Weather Coalition. 

Here are the guidelines Tulsa Country residents must meet to be eligible: no air conditioner in the home, meet low-income guidelines, and have a health condition that is exasperated by heat.

The coalition said if people are over the age of 65, they just ask that they live in Tulsa County and have no air conditioning.

If you would like to support the Tulsa Weather Coalition so that they can continue providing for families this summer, there is a link to donate here.

If you are a family who would like to apply for the program yourself, or know someone who needs help, click here for more information.