State Superintendent Joy Hofmeister Releases Summer Learning Plan For Students

State Superintendent Joy Hofmeister Releases Summer Learning Plan For Students

State Superintendent of Public Instruction Joy Hofmeister and education stakeholders announced the launch of the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) recovery plan for PreK-12 students Monday.

Ready Together Oklahoma: An Action Plan for Supporting Students Through the Pandemic and Beyond will include initiatives to bolster accelerated learning, strengthen instruction and address social-emotional issues due to the pandemic. The plan was developed with input from students, educators, community representatives and other partners. 

“Teachers have moved heaven and earth this year,” Hofmeister said.

She said she is hopeful with how the summer is looking and the year ahead.

“As promising as it is that the worst of the pandemic appears to be behind us, we now face the greatest challenge to public education in recent history,” Hofmeister said. ‘How to ensure our kids rebound stronger than ever. A full recovery will not be accomplished in a single summer or a single school year, and it won’t occur without a broad coalition of partners. But great things are on the horizon.”

She announced Monday that $6 million will go to the YMCA and Boys and Girls Clubs of Oklahoma to assist in kick starting summer learning programs.

In total this summer through 2023, she said a minimum of $14 million will go towards summer enrichment.

There will be more information and announcements on how the OSDE plans to continue moving forward with education out of the pandemic.