The Tulsa County District Court, with the assistance of the Tulsa County District Attorney’s office, the Tulsa County Public Defender’s Office, the Tulsa County Court Clerk’s office and the Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office will be conducting a special criminal misdemeanor disposition docket at the Cox Convention Center (“Cox docket”) on January 29, 2021. Representatives from each office will be present during the docket.
This docket will take care of about 400 people whose cases were previously suspended due to the court system taking COVID-19 protocols. The County Court system said in a press release that they have been dealing with the significant backlog for months and now have the ability to efficiently and safely take care of it. They do expect to see every case Friday, but there is a system in place to do so.
The street-level entrance will be used for anyone going in or out and the first round of the docket will begin at 9 a.m.
Everyone must wear a mask inside the building and for those who do not have a mask, one will be provided. Strict physical distancing measures will also be enforced by security. They are asking that no more than two people are at each table and no more than ten people in a row even if 6ft apart.
No family or friends will be allowed inside, only the person summoned to court.